About Us

The Polish-American Cultural Institute of Minnesota, Inc. (PACIM) is a non-profit 501c(3) Minnesota-based organization that promotes Polish-American culture and heritage.

PACIM connects globally by providing a venue and sponsoring events that bring together leaders in the arts, history, literature, language, science, and culture with the Polish community in Minnesota. Whether you have Polish roots or are simply interested in the culture, we invite you to join us.

We are a member and volunteer-driven organization. Thank you for your support.

Board of Directors

Mietek T Konczyk – President
Anna Margl – Vice President
David Luiken – Secretary
Marcel Derosier – Treasurer
Edyta Dudek
Phyllis Husted
Adam Ramczyk
Iwona Srienc
Dorota Wojtak
Alex Zemla

Organizational Committees

The following committees are chaired by board members, supported by volunteers, and are critical to the success of PACIM’s mission to the community. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact us.

Contemporary Culture
Chair: Iwona Srienc

Our committee’s mission is to promote and popularize Polish and Polish- American contemporary culture as expressed through music, art, literature, design, and multimedia. In multiple ways, and through sponsored events and exhibits, we catalyze an appreciation of the Polish contribution to the arts, writing, and other forms of creative expression. We seek to promote unique Polish experiences and perspectives to the broader Minnesota community.  We foster cultural exchanges between Poland and Minnesota. Your ideas, time, talent, and suggestions are valued and make us stronger. We welcome all. 

1944 Memorial
Chair: Edyta Dudek

Language Classes
Chair: Iwona Srienc

Chair: Mietek T. Konczyk

Scholarship and Funds
Chair: Mietek Konczyk

This Committee is charged with managing and providing oversight for all financial aspects of PACIM, including operations, stewardship and donations, regulatory filings, investment portfolios, single-purpose endowment funds and awarding of college scholarship funds. The Committee provides the PACIM Board with strategic guidance and planning regarding use of all assets and resources, and manages all external financial relationships.

Chair: Donna Sisler

Media Communications and IT
Chair: Mietek T. Konczyk

The Media, Communications, and IT Committee oversees web development and technological issues for PACIM, maintains the website and social media content for the organization, and informs the membership of ongoing activities.

Chair: Alex Zemla

The Membership Committee analyzes membership data and helps guide the organization in strategic planning for increasing membership involvement and awareness. This group also keeps updated records of all current members.

Polish Traditions
Chair: Edyta Dudek


To access a copy of PACIM’s current bylaws, as approved by members on November 2022, click here.

ACPC Affiliate

PACIM is an affiliate of the American Council for Polish Culture. a national 501(c) 3 non-profit, charitable and educational organization that promotes Polish heritage, history, and intercultural understanding. It is a network of more than three dozen Polish-American groups throughout the U.S. that offer scholarships, performing, literary, and culinary arts programming, and events that celebrate four centuries of Polish identity in America. Minnesotans have been members of ACPC since its founding convention in Michigan in 1948. See polishcultureacpc.org 

Past Presidents

Mary Jane Solkolowski-Gustafson
Steven Antolak
Edward Rajtar
John Radzilowski
Czeslaw Rog
Anna Scanlan
Steven Ukasick
Paul Rog
Jane Mrazek Flanders
John Bienek
Pawel Mroz
Edyta Dudek